November 1, 2009


Last Halloween Johnny had the idea of being Peter Pan for Halloween this year. Jokingly, I said I'd be Tinkerbell, assuming he'd never really want to wear tights as a costume. This year Halloween came rather quickly and, well, he was serious! We went on a venture for a green polo and green tights that were big enough to fit his massive legs! I made a green dress and bought wings. Both were pretty simple costumes and although it wasn't my first choice in costume (I wanted us to go as Danny and Sandy from Grease), they both turned out really cute and we had fun making them.
We ended up spending most of the night driving around looking for something to do. We went to the mall, hung out with some of Johnny's friends and watched parts of some scary movies. It wasn't very action packed but it was still fun and the people who saw us got a real kick out of our costumes.
My favorite part of my costume was all the glitter I used (it's hard to tell in the pictures). I was covered in it and I sprinkled some on the ground with every step I took. The passenger seat of Johnny's car is now covered in glitter as well. VERY manly. (:

Carlos (far right) was supposed to be a spaceship.

This Halloween also got the title of scariest Halloween ever, especially for Johnny. We had gone to Savers in the morning to pick up some last minute things for our costumes. While we were there Johnny received a phone call from his mother, who was in hysterics, saying his sister was in a bad car accident on the freeway. We rushed out of the store and he immediately took me and Karen home and drove to his house. I frantically texted him several times asking him to let me know what happened as soon as he found out. It took him a while to reply and when he finally did I was terrified to read that he was waiting in the ER and still knew nothing. As he found out more he told me she had been clipped by another car which sent her swerving straight into the concrete wall of the freeway. The car that hit her didn't stop. The front end of her car was completely smashed. When he told me this I had to try very hard not to assume the worst. Thankfully the only injuries she suffered were a fat lip and a broken wrist. She had given everyone a real scare but we were all relieved to know that she was okay.

-Rachiekinns! (:

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